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In-House Pro Bono in the News

CPBO keeps up with the latest news regarding in-house pro bono, including new opportunities, evolving trends, and practice rule changes impacting in-house attorneys’ ability to provide pro bono legal services.

If you have news that you think might be of interest to CPBO or other in-house attorneys, please send it to cpbo@probonoinst.org.

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Most Recent News Items

Delivering Impact Through Pro Bono Volunteerism

April 22, 2024

Capital One April 22, 2024 Launched in 2020, Capital One’s Skills-Based Pro Bono program built upon volunteerism efforts from their Brand, Design, and Legal departments. This program now serves as an enterprise-wide effort that directly supports organizations such as nonprofits, startups, small businesses and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to help build capacity to meet […]

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UK companies commit to pro bono legal work through new pledge

April 10, 2024

Lexpert April 10, 2024 Major companies have signed the UK in-house pro bono pledge, a commitment to increase the participation of their legal teams in pro bono activities. The pledge, initiated by the In House Pro Bono Group, National Pro Bono Centre, and GC100, aims to encourage at least 25 percent of their UK-based lawyers […]

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How Liberty Mutual’s Legal Team is Approaching AI

January 3, 2024

Legal Dive January 3, 2024 Generative AI is one of the first technology solutions professionals in Liberty Mutual’s legal department immediately expressed an interest in leveraging, said Tyson Roy, the insurance company’s director of legal innovation. As a result, the insurer’s in-house legal team has been piloting some generative AI tools in hopes of enabling […]

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